I'm sick of many things
I wanna get far away from these messes
I don't wannna my blog be seen
I wanna say everything I like without limitations
I wanna my baby be happy
Coz everything I do is all for him
I wanna a very peaceful and common life
I wanna go to the beaches sayin' dirty words
I don't wanna ANYONE see my blog and bother me or my baby AGAIN
I'm tired and sick of these jerks
It's really meaningless for me and my baby
It's the end of the affair
The relationship is changed
And I just wanna say I'm happy to see it ends.
Stop wasting time and look forward only
Things will go on smoothly in the future!I believe that...^_____^

    euniceliu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()