even today it rained a lot , me and my sis went to korean class in Kao.
now i feel learnin' Korean is becomin' easier than b4. and it's a good thing i think.
after class, we went to dream mall again as a routine on Sat. afternoon.
few days ago, Debby told me that Sex and the city was a great movie and she strongly suggested me to see it.
so i did it. i went to see it with my sis.
i have to say it was really good which was beyond my expectation.
when i was in college, i never watched SATC cause i thought it was only related to sex and nothing more.
but after i saw the movie, i have to say it was very impressing and touching no matter in love, friendship etc.
so i should say thanks to Debby cause without her recommedation, i wouldn't have the chance to rekonw SATC.

i really like the movie
maybe they are all grownups, so their thoughts are mature, too.
i really appreciate that way  and hopin' i could do the right choices in the right time just like them.
btw, the music matched to the theme very much.
all i can think is the good side of the movie
it contains joy, tears, friendship and the most important one - LOVE.
aniway, go to see the movie yourself and u'll know it's realli fascinatin'.

Carrie in her beautiful dress

Big and Carrie

all pics are from the Internet


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