as the title 
I'm realli living in the hell now.
cause my sis went to Ottawa for relaxing ,I became the one who has to replace her position in company.
what I do everyday is to write the drifts and correct the errors including the tiny mistakes.(the so-called 吹毛求疵)
it's painful to me cause i'm not that kind of caring girl...
Gee~ I hope my sis will come back quickly...
I don't want this kind of tiring life 
I want to watch TV after a long day work , but I still have to read the drifts in the evenings at home....
if there's an angel, please take me away from these boring works......
or maybe she can make me another Eunice to do these works..hahahaha  =  =
time for bed.... (sign...)
good nite, everyone!


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